If you missed Paris Fashion Week you’re in luck, we’re here to recap the most talked about moments and shows with you! As if you didn’t already have enough inspiration from New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week will have you wanting to hit the stores all over again. From accessories to clothing and even the runways, PFW nailed it in every aspect.
Let’s start out with talking about the fabulous fashion. When thinking of a theme for Paris Fashion Week we’d have to say whimsical. All of the shows were full of fur, mixing of patterns, textures and pops of color. We’d like to take one of every outfit please!
1. Chanel
Not only did Chanel create a Coco Chanel themed restaurant as their backdrop for their show, their collection was just as chic! BFF’s Kendall Jenner and Cara DeLevingne walked the show and looked stunning. Then again when do they not?! We must say, out of the two we LOVED Kendall’s classic look.
2. Givenchy
Givenchy became a buzzworthy show with their statement face bling. We’re pretty sure we won’t be seeing celebrities walking down the red carpet with face bling but the collection was definitely swoon-worthy!
3. Valentino
We can’t forget the finale show that made you LOL from Valentino with guest appearances from Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson! The duo walked the runway as Derek Zoolander and Hansel to announce the making of Zoolander 2. We know we can’t wait to see the sequel after that!
Paris Fashion Week definitely outdid themselves this year from their runways to the collections. Fashion season is here and it’s hard not to get excited. If one thing is for sure, we can’t wait to see what our students are inspired to do. Check out our full service salon menu and book your appointment.